Thursday 29 September 2011


So this blog post is quite a morbid one but at the same time I think its quite a beautiful image.
After a funeral I went to recently I ended up going back to a friends house, on return to my car it was dusk and the cemetery seemed so peaceful and the sky so alive with colour.

Usually I talk about images in a technical way on my blog forgetting all the theory I was taught and endless seminars I attended where we spoke about the meaning of the images. So for a change here goes..

The contrast in the light sky and the dark ground give the image a very spiritual atmosphere. There are three elements to this shot that give me this impression. The first is the obvious and that is the headstones and church silhouette. The second is the sky as it is in twilight and drawing to the end of the day. The sky is also a place people associate with heaven and the god above. The third element are the trees being in their skeletal form and reaching out from the ground to the sky connecting the two.

This is my interpretation of the image and many times I have been asked to explain why I took the image, why it came out the way it has or what does it mean. The answer is usually 'because I did'. I took this image because the sky looked beautiful that night and I happened to be in the Cemetery. All of the explanation above is because this is my life experience, cultural understanding, education and values. The next person may look at the image and think its spooky.

What I am trying to say it that although I have a photo blog that I use with words to show my work, the more important and interesting part is other peoples interpretation to me. Like with most art forms you are viewing something from an unique point of view and your personal interpretation is just as valid as the artists!

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