Wednesday 22 September 2010

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside...

The calm after the storm..always a good time to visit the beach as all the water is still in the sand crevices and the storm clouds a lot of detail.
I also love to walk along and see what the sea has left behind - crabs, stones, seaweed and the odd shell. This is what I consider to be a good thing about living besides the seaside. What do you like about living by the sea?

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Big Dipper

Following on from my Blackpool theme (last few posts) I decided to go with the flow and add this little beauty!
What a perfect day for shooting at the Pleasure Beach, but I am no fan of the roller coasters. Instead I took my camera and got some shots and this one was my favourite. I can remember going on it with an old friend over and over all day until we felt slightly sick in our younger days. Today I am too chicken to go on it!
Compositionally I would have liked more of the sign in but as I was running out of battery I had to get the shot and turn off. Probably a good rule for photographers is to carry spares about - doh!

Monday 20 September 2010


Well I am always happy when Blogger makes me out to be a liar! I posted a few seconds ago I was having problems about blogging photos and have been for two weeks and like magic the problem goes away - blogs away!!

Here is a belated World Championship Fireworks image..check out the new Headlands and the people who came. I was quite impressed with the location as it made for a good composition but I wasn't too impressed with the actual fireworks on the last night. This was the largest 'bang' compared to last year ?where it was non stop - check out some of them here.
So tell me what you think? And if you want to know how to photography fireworks also!

Broken Blog!

Dear Followers,

I am experiencing problems with posing images onto my blog. If anyone can help please do! I have reported the problem but I haven't heard back...
I basically upload the photo and it doesn't show and claims there is no image available.

Linzi x

Thursday 9 September 2010

Peace & Tranquility

Peace and tranquility is something that is difficult to balance out in everyday working life.
I find that working as a photographer it is easier for this to be restored as like while out on this shoot, you find moments where all is calm. I am fortunate to have good links with the local Parks Department and this provides me with great out door shooting opportunities.
This particular tree took my fancy as it was alone but seemed to dominate the section it was rooted to - something I like to think I am in my area with photography!