Monday 20 September 2010


Well I am always happy when Blogger makes me out to be a liar! I posted a few seconds ago I was having problems about blogging photos and have been for two weeks and like magic the problem goes away - blogs away!!

Here is a belated World Championship Fireworks image..check out the new Headlands and the people who came. I was quite impressed with the location as it made for a good composition but I wasn't too impressed with the actual fireworks on the last night. This was the largest 'bang' compared to last year ?where it was non stop - check out some of them here.
So tell me what you think? And if you want to know how to photography fireworks also!


  1. i could certainly hear them for my house, LOUD! i didn't see any this year, shame.

  2. Hey Mat,

    Well I have to say I was quite disappointed a little as I couldn't go Fri/Sat night as I was working and so I got to see the last bunch on the Sunday. They really didn't compare to the tiny bit I saw over the roof from my house while working on the Sat night or any of last year!
    I was also disappointed that they were only on over 3 days!

    Rant over..thanks for the comment! :)
