Wednesday 6 April 2011

Uncertain Times

With all of the uprising in various countries, Tsunami, earthquakes and the ongoing wars I felt that we are in for uncertain times. The earth seems angry.
The seaside town I live in has always been hit by bad weather and the other day was particularly windy. I headed down to the sea front to get a glimpse of the sky. It had blown the clouds into wisps and swirls making the sun diffused but bright.
I had my point and shoot camera with me at the time and have to say its potential has stunned me. This shot is so moody and exactly how I wanted to capture it so a success in terms of technicalities.
I have left a hint of the sea in to show the enormous sky and give some perspective.


  1. A very nice shot Linzi, love the black and white approach.

  2. Thanks Adrian, its such a moody shot. Not something I really like to shoot but the sky was like an oil painting. I would have shot over a few hours but the wind was unbearable!

  3. wow thats a stunning shot

  4. Thanks Sy! Its quite atmospheric isn't it?
