Monday 17 January 2011


The first post of the year! I have slightly neglected my blog over the festive period and this is mainly because I have been busy trying to sort out my main site (will be live soon!).

Like most people I had a clear out of files and work ready for the new year and I came across a lost CD of images I took in NYC. I have a few already on the blog but I wanted to add this one in particular as it is very different from the others. It was taken on the way into the city in Brooklyn and I remember being in such awe as I was on the way that I had to document everything I saw. This contrast of shooting through glass, graffiti on the subway (that is above ground) and the workman waiting to cross the road, give the image a gritty feel which it typical of urban shooting.

I have left the part of the window showing on the left as it gives a sense of looking out being the viewer of this scene that could quite easily be a film still.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year flower ♥
    I really like the photograph a lot ♥

    *following your blog*

    Eda ♥
