Monday 30 April 2012


Over the past few weeks I have been spending time at my grandparents house and this usually means helping with odd jobs about the house. While in and out of the shed I noticed a few things that really meant something to me. The top image is of my Grandad's skipping ropes, hung up and showing signs of the how much they have been used over the years he trained as a boxer.
The second image is of the family scooter that has been used by my aunt, uncle, mum, me, my brother and my cousin. Its now hung up ready for the next arrival and still looks in good shape!
What treasures have you found recently? I'd love to know!


  1. really liked this, he's got some top notch stuff. ours is much smaller but my grandad's shed is huge, though i've not been round since i was a teen

  2. Thanks Mat, I intend to go in there with my 'big' camera and get them properly. I love instagram at the seems to be replacing my everyday camera!
    You should go into your grandads shed there are always treasures stowed away and its just great to record the items that have lots of memories attached weather it be your own or your grandads!
