Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Winter Gardens Dome

Blackpool Winter Gardens has just been refurbished and restored to a former glory. I happened to find this image from a while back of how the dome used to look. I don't think you can get a sense of the size of the dome until you see the lights dangling from the edges.
The blue and yellow cloth cast a warm colour into the space but it now has all the windows and dome uncovered giving the natural light.

Let me know what you think!


  1. Hi Linzi
    The dome or "rotunda" was hidden behind the drapes for quite a few years.
    I am site manager at the winter gardens in charge of the refurb and I can tell you the top of the dome is 100ft high.
    I have some photo's very simillar to yours (without the quality :-) ).
    There are lots of hidden gems being uncovered you should get yourself down when you get a spare half an hour..


  2. Hi Mark,

    Thanks for the comments, I photographed the 'new' dome and it looks amazing especially in the different times of day. The backdrop can change so dramatically with a few clouds here and there. I love it!
    I will have to pop down and ask for you so I can see some of the other hidden gems!
