Tuesday, 27 April 2010


Billboard poster near some shops.

This is the last of the Election Billboard photographs as it seems they are the only ones in my area! I have seen some smaller ones for the campaigners in the different wards so maybe I will move onto taking them?
It was also bought to my attention today the series is all one sided with only shots from the Tories campaign. This is mainly because Labour and the Lib Dems have no posters up but I have now seen this as a challenge to even up the series so watch this space!

Let me know what you think of this photo.


  1. Like the pics...wondered why are they black and white?

  2. Hi Paul, thanks for taking a look at my blog.
    I guess I decided to shoot them in black and white so that you have to study the image and what is going on in it with regards to composition, objects etc. I find sometimes the connotations colour can give you change your view on the image. Black and white takes this away. What do you think? I am interested to know what others think to them being in black and white as I have recently started shooting more this way.
